Crawford County Mental Health Education & Support Groups
CHAPS offers a wide array of different Mental Health Support Groups that help to support various communities in Meadville.
NAMI Connections Peer Support: focuses on peers advocating recovery through empowerment, it is:
Every Monday 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- A free self-help group
- Open to anyone who identifies as a mental health consumer seeking support
- Offered without required membership
Hope Champions: S & P Support Group:
Every Wednesday 11:00- 12:00 p.m.
- A free self-help group for people living with schizophrenia or a schizophrenia-related illness
- Helps restore dignity and a sense of purpose for people working toward recovery
- Offers fellowship, positive support and companionship in order to achieve good mental health
- Helps improve our own attitudes about our lives and illnesses
Young Adult Peer Support:
Every Wednesday 2:00-3:00 p.m.
- A support group designed for individuals with mental illness transitioning from youth to adulthood
- Peer support for individuals between the ages of 18 and 24 years
- Provides support, hope and encouragement for young adults beginning an independent life
- Promotes mutual acceptance, understanding, self-discovery and self-advocacy with peers.
Nami Family Support Group:
Every Tuesday 5:00-6:00PM
- Provide Support and education to caregivers of an individual diagnosed with mental illness
- Provide opportunity to find solidarity with others who have encountered similar experiences with illness and support services
- Promote discussion and education about how to keep oneself mentally and physically healthy
- Teach problem-solving skills to navigate the mental health system and resources to navigate recovery
- Develop skills to leave you better equipped to deal with the complex situations caused by a mental illness
Each program takes place at CHAPS (944 Liberty Street Meadville PA) in the 3rd floor conference room at the specified times.
Amanda Marcum