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Youth Housing Program

Youth Housing Program

About Us:

Our Goal is to help end youth homelessness. Homeless youth are any persons ages 16-24 years old, who are experiencing literal homelessness (on the streets or in the shelter), or housing instability (pending evictions, couch surfing, or unsafe environment. 

How can you help?:

1: Consider being a host home

2: Share this information with youth (16-24 years old) who are in need

3: Contact us for more information. 

The three programs for Youth Housing are: 

1: System's Navigation (Connections) - This programs supports youth, 16-24 years old with getting connected to mainstream benefits and resources in our community to help attain goals, improve overall wellness, and promote independence. 

2: Host Homes (Open Doors) - This program the hosts are individuals over the age of 25, allowing youth, 18-24 years old to temporarily reside in their home to gain housing stability, with the goal of obtaining permanent housing, employment, and improve their independent living skills. 

3: Permanent Supportive Housing (Passages) - This programs helps youth, 18-24 years old acquire subsidized housing in a chaps mastered leased apartment while coaching the youth to help them obtain independent housing and improve their independent living skills. 

For more information, you can contact:

Kassandra Cornman (Host Homes Specialist) 

814-373-5086 or

Eric Kisner (Connections & Passages)

814-373-5089 or

Jovan Weber (Connections & Passages)

814-373-5079 or 

Kendra Yount (Connections & Passages)

814-373-5090 or


Christie Schneider (Youth Housing Coordinator)

814-373-5085 or